Beersmith grain absorption
Beersmith grain absorption

beersmith grain absorption

  • Follow your recipe for boil for boil time, hops, and adjunct additions.
  • If you factored-in a step to squeeze the grain bag, do this once the wort has stopped draining from the grain bag on its own.
  • Adjust the Grain Absorption value if you deviate from this. BIAB Calculator's default Grain Absorption value assumes this gravity drain step.
  • Remove the grain bag and let it drain by gravity either over your kettle or on a bucket.
  • Some brew in a bag brewers use a colander or metal cake rack as a spacer between the bottom of the kettle and the grain bag to ensure the bag does not burn. Make sure you do not burn the grain bag on the bottom of the kettle while heating. Unlike mashing with a false bottom or screen, the mash out step in Brew in a Bag style mashing does serve to help extract more sugars out of the grains.
  • If you want to do a mash out to icrease your extraction efficiency and get a stronger potential alcohol you can heat the wort up to 165F / 74C and hold it for 10 minutes to mash out.
  • Let the mash sit for the conversion time in your recipe.
  • BIAB Calculator will give you a warning in the Output section next to the Total Mash Volume value if the total volume of mash water and grain will cause your kettle to overflow.
  • When the brewing water is up to your planned strike temperature add grain to bag and stir well.
  • With Brew in a Bag mashing you can crush more than you might normally to get a bit more mash efficiency.
  • Crush your grains now if they are not pre-crushed.
  • Start heating your mash water up to the Strike Temperature value indicated in the Output section of the BIAB Calculator.
  • If you DO squeeze the grain bag, change the Grain Absorption value to around 0.031 Gal/Pound (0.28 L/kg).
  • The Grain Absorption value in BIAB Calculator defaults to 0.045 Gal/Pound (0.3755 kg/L) and assumes you do not squeeze the grain bag after it is left to drain by gravity.
  • If you do this you will need to set absorption value a bit lower than the default value set in BIAB Calculator since the grain will end up not retaining as much liquid. The BIAB Calculator default value for Grain Absorption assumes you let your grain bag drain naturally by gravity alone and do not squeeze the grain bag (see next step.) To get the best results this is another value you will want to take time to measure for your brewing system as variants in mill gap can affect this number.Ībout Squeezing the Grain Bag - Some brewers choose to squeeze the grain bag after all the wort drains by gravity to get more wort.
  • Grain Absorption - Volume of wort the grain retains after the mash.
  • To get the best results you should take measurements to find this for your particular brewing system and boil strength.
  • Boiloff Rate - Volume of wort per hour you lose to evaporation in your system.
  • Trub - Amount of hops, boil material and wort you leave in your kettle after you transfer to your fermenter.
  • Kettle Size - The total volume of your boil kettle.
  • beersmith grain absorption beersmith grain absorption

    If you know your system parameters add those to fine-tune your results, otherwise leave the defaults in the BIAB Calculator.

    beersmith grain absorption

    Boil Time - Total time to boil the wort based on your recipe.Mash Temperature - The temperature you intend to target for your infusion mash (153 F / 67 C by default).Batch Size - Total beer you intend to put into the fermenter.Grain Temperature - Take the temperature of your dry grain on brew day to aid in hitting your intended mash temperature.Do not include weights for sugars and other non-grain adjuncts in this value. Grain Bill- Total weight of the grains in your recipe.Plug recipe values into tool the BIAB calculator. Create your beer recipe or find a recipe from a website like Brewer's Friend.

    Beersmith grain absorption